Sunday, April 17, 2011

Journal 03: Peer Dialogue #1

For this journal, I looked over the blogs of three of my other classmates to see how our ideas and views of the class are similar and different.

For Erica_L:

I noticed that we both did Jonathan Ive for one of our designer responses and it was interesting to see what other information she was able to dig up that I did not find. I also thought that her response on Fred and Friends was interesting. I have never heard of them but I really thought their products were cool. Like the Air Fork One ( as shown here  is a really cute idea for kids. I also found it interesting that she is an ISE major because I considered that major for a while and am actually thinking of changing my business specialization to operations which is kind of like the business side of ISE.

For Jonathan_T:

Jonathan was my partner on the first day of class when we introduced other classmates. He seemed like a really interesting person and was passionate about many things. His blog further emphasizes my initial impression of him. He is not only using his blog for Design 200 but also for his photography class and for simple pleasure to update people on the things he finds interesting. For instance he posted a link to his brothers mixtape ( which I took a minute to listen to and it was good. I definitely got some unexpected entertainment from visiting his blog.

For R. Becky_B:

I really liked that some of her patterns came from nature. I am in love with fruit so the grapefruit pattern definitely caught my eye. She did a great job of not only capturing the vibrant colors and catching the light at the perfect place to emphasize the pores/patterns of the fruit but also making it almost seem like the juice was coming through the picture ( I am glad to see that she was also unaware the other areas of design besides visual communications. I definitely thought that there was an aspect of design that went into making products but I associated it mainly with engineering. So I agree with her that I can't wait to see what else this class opens my eyes to.

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