Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journal 09: Coleman Project- Personal Documentation

Project as a Whole
I worked in a group with Becky Beaulieu, Erica Loughry, and Jonathan Thomas. The first day we were introduced to the project our group mainly focused on throwing out as many ideas as possible. We defined who Coleman is as a company. We believe that Coleman is a family-friendly company who pride themselves on the quality of their products. We tried to figure out what Coleman would want to be portrayed in their home products. Since Coleman emphasizes the environment we wanted to focus on environmental friendliness, as well as continuing to supply quality, reliable, and affordable products. After bouncing ideas back and forth, from wireless charging mats to our final product of solar shades. Our customers would be people who are looking to save money and redecorating their home. The shades would use to sun's energy to power a wireless outlet. At first Gabe was hesitate about the technology that would be required to make our product work. After doing some research, we figured out the it was feasible from then on everything fell into place. Jonathan had to most experience working with modeling programs and Google Sketch-up. He was the one who primarily designed the kiosk. Becky came up with some great packaging and logo ideas, so she focused on designing those. Erica worked with me on the Prezi as well as made the wireless outlet in Google Sketch-up.

Individual Contributions
My main contribution to the group was researching all of the technology and making sure that our product design was actually feasible. It was pretty difficult to find information about what we were specifically looking for. However, after reading a bunch of articles and finding a diagram that could not only explain to our group exactly what would happen in the process but also in an easy way for the audience. I also collaborated with Erica on the Prezi. We wanted to make sure that we used as little words as possible in the presentation and made it mostly visual. Since our product may have been out of the realm of peoples' believability we wanted to make sure that we showed a step by step orientation of how the product would work and how we came to those conclusions. I also designed and created the models that we passed around during our presentation. I felt like those were an important element to our presentation and it gave the audience an up close look at our product.

Our Prezi Presentation: Prezi

Section of Research

Solar Power

Overall, I really enjoyed working on this project. I also think that group projects are useful in helping students adapt to the workplace. It is important to draw on each members strengths and create the best product based upon that. I feel like we all brought different skills to the table but also meshed very well. I think our product turned out well. If given more time and more experience I would be interested to see where we could have gone with our design.

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