Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reading Reflection 04

I really enjoyed how Haskett concluded his book with Chapter 9 and Chapter 10. Chapter 9 "Contexts" focused on three main contexts: professional organization, business, and government policy. He also touched on public opinion at the end of the chapter as a fourth context. Professional organization is defined as how designers see themselves,allowing designers much free will and little structure that is associated with most professions. I find it very interesting how once a large company makes a mark and people start to recognize their products that you tend to begin to see other smaller companies coming out with similar products. I never realized how much the government uses design in other countries and the benefits that they have reaped from having these design councils.  I think that the United States would greatly benefit from incorporating a design team and would perhaps enhance their strategies and outlooks for the country. I thought this chapter was very interesting. It emphasized how design was affected by these contexts, but were not dependent on it like other professions.  It further shows readers how design differs from other jobs, but how it is essential in the way we live and evolve as humans. It's subjective nature sets it apart from professions that are primarily objective. Chapter 10 "Futures" describes how design has evolved throughout history. I am amazed in the technology that has been developed in the past couple of years, so I can only imagine being old enough to have seen the rapid evolution of the computer. The technologies that have been adapted and the advanced computers have made a significant contribution to the evolution of design. What designers are able to develop on computers now is incredible so I can only imagine what designers will be creating in the next ten or fifteen years. Design has began to focus on third world countries and impoverished communities. I think that this is opening a whole new realm of possibility. I like that designers has not just trying to develop the coolest, new gadgets, but also are making a conscience effort to better the world that we all live in. As time goes on, in evidently, more problems will arise in the world ( diseases, death, genetics, global warming, etc.). It will be interesting to see how designers respond to these changes and are able to adapt their concepts and ideas to target these new issues. It makes you wonder if there will ever be a time when technology and design catch up to what is happening in the world or if nature will always be one step ahead of us.

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